Category Archives: PE

Primary 6 enjoy Games @ the Hub

Primary 6 joined in with Primary 6 classes from across the city to take part in an event called Games at the Hub.  We took part in 3 different sports – Dance, Volleyball and Cricket.  The dance group spent the day learning a fantastic routine which 200 of them performed at the end of the day.  The cricket team played matches against other schools and managed to score 98 runs in their first match!  The volleyball teams played many matches throughout the day and showed great skill and team work.  We really enjoyed taking part in the sports but it’s safe to say we were exhausted by the time the closing ceremony came round at the end of the day!

P6 Cricket at Holyrood High School

On Tuesday 9th May Primary 6 took part in a cluster event at Holyrood High School.  We were split into 3 teams in order to learn about and take part in Cricket matches.  Our teams were named after countries and our first task was to work as a team to come up with a team chant.  Our countries were India, Sri Lanka and West Indies.  Throughout the afternoon we played several cricket matches against pupils from other schools.  We learned that in cricket you are not allowed to run once you have picked up the ball so we had to work as a team  when we were fielding in order to stop the batting team from getting too many runs.  It was great fun and as you can see from the photos it was also very warm!