Category Archives: Maths

Tick tock – look at our clocks

Primary 3 have been working really hard with their families to design and create entries for our P3 Clock Competition. The standard is high and their imagination and creativity has blown us away yet again! Well done everyone who has joined in.

The clocks will be on display in the P3 classroom all week. Families and friends are welcome to come in and view them either before or after school.

It is going to be an incredibly difficult job judging winners from such a fabulous collection of entries. Here are all the pupils proudly showing off their masterpieces! Which ones would you vote for?



Step in Time

This term Primary 3 have been learning about telling the time and this afternoon they welcomed parents, grandparents, aunties and sisters into school to see how they have been learning in class. Everyone took part in different activities with the children from making cut and flap clocks, telling the time lotto and digital/analogue games. We started off by teaching the visitors our Clock Rap and some of the children led us in this. Using different voices like angry, posh or silly made everyone laugh.Here is Olivia leading us in silly voices.

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Everyone went home with a bag full of resources for helping to support learning in telling the time. We also launched our Design a Clock Competition – the children are excited about transforming their clocks using their creativity and imaginations. Watch this space for entries in a few weeks time. Thank you to all those who were able to come along and support their child for this event.


Outdoor Angles

Primary 4 ventured outside this morning to practise finding right angles. Our challenge was to create a picture with as many right angles in it as possible, using only sticks.

We used cubes and right-angle checkers that we had made in class to test if the angles we had made were right-angles.

We had a lot of fun getting creative with our stick pictures!

P3 Parent Workshop

Thank you to all the parents who came along to Primary 3’s parent session on number sequences. The children really enjoyed showing their family members what they are learning in school and having them join in with games and activities. Everyone took home numeracy bags with resources for supporting numeracy development at home. We look forward to seeing you again at our next session in Term 2.

Maths Week Scotland 11-17th September 2017

It’s maths Week Scotland this week and P3 have been learning about the wide range of jobs that use maths skills. The class had lots of ideas themselves and found out about some more unusual career options as well. They have lots of aims and ambition for their futures and know how important it is for them to learn in numeracy and mathematics.

P3 Maths Session for Parents – TIME

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Last week Primary 3 welcomed parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles into our classroom for a session all about Telling the Time. Everyone took part in a range of activities with the children from making cut and flap clocks, telling the time lotto and digital/analogue games. We showed them how to practise skip counting in 5s using our superhero poses and it was great to have them all join in with us. Everyone went home with a bag full of resources for helping to support learning in telling the time. We also launched our Design a Clock Competition – the children are excited about transforming their clocks into flowers, explosions, stars etc and having them on their walls at home to help them learn. Watch this space for entries in a few weeks time. Thank you to all those who were able to come along and support their child for this event.

P4 Valentine’s Mosaics

During Art, Primary 4 produced some Symmetrical heart mosaics for Valentine’s day. We found out that the floors and walls of Roman buildings were often decorated with mosaics – tiny coloured stones (tesserae). Many mosaics showed scenes of history and everyday Roman life.  Rich Romans decorated the floors of their main rooms with elaborate and detailed mosaics to show off their wealth and importance.

We used coloured card, felt and metallic paper to create our wonderful designs and worked carefully to ensure that our designs were symmetrical on both sides. We hope you enjoy the results!

Working out Percentages

Last week in Mrs Northcott’s Maths set, the Purple group were working on working out percentages of a quantity.

We used money to help us understand.

First, we used our dividing skills to calculate the percentage of a quantity.

Then we took it a step further- we asked ourselves “How much does it cost now?”

We used take away sums to find the answer.

We decided to put this into a real life context by making adverts for an imaginary shop. These imaginary shops were all having sales! We incorporated our ICT skills to display our learning.

Take a look at some of our really great adverts! Do you think they are offering good deals?