Category Archives: Art

Keeping Busy

Here are some primary 3 pupils who kept themselves busy during the recent snow days. Inspired by a book in their Read Write Count bags they built their very own habitats. Here they are pointing out where you can find their chosen habitats on our classroom map.

End of the week update: Well primary 3 pupils have inspired each other and really enjoyed sharing their work. Look how many habitats we had by Friday, ready to share in assembly. Well done everyone!

P4 Valentine’s Mosaics

During Art, Primary 4 produced some Symmetrical heart mosaics for Valentine’s day. We found out that the floors and walls of Roman buildings were often decorated with mosaics – tiny coloured stones (tesserae). Many mosaics showed scenes of history and everyday Roman life.  Rich Romans decorated the floors of their main rooms with elaborate and detailed mosaics to show off their wealth and importance.

We used coloured card, felt and metallic paper to create our wonderful designs and worked carefully to ensure that our designs were symmetrical on both sides. We hope you enjoy the results!