Category Archives: Primary 7

World Book Day Bookshop Visit

P5, P6 and P7 pupils visited the Edinburgh Bookshop today to see the FANTASTIC World Book Day display they had created. We created ‘Book Monsters’ which were reading hand drawn copies of our favourite books.

Marie was kind enough to talk to us about her love of reading and to share an extract from Spellchasers: The Beginner’s Guide to Curses. We exchanged our World Book Day tokens for an exciting new book and received some expert advice on choosing our next read. Thank you to Marie & Kate for making us feel so welcome.

A huge well done to all the pupils involved in creating the window display. You did a tremendous job!

Day 3 at Ardentinny

There were a lot of tired faces at breakfast this morning after our first full day of activities yesterday.   No time to rest though as all groups were out early to get going with today’s activities.

Walking through the forest, the children had to work as a team to build a shelter. First of all they had to decide on the best place for building their shelter. They then had to find large branches to create a roof in their shelter. This stage required lots of teamwork to carry them as they were so heavy! Once there were enough large branches it was time to find smaller twigs and moss to place on top and seal the roof. The children communicated well and make a shelter to be proud of!

On the way back to the centre we walked along the beach where the children were finding lots of interesting stones and shells. We were especially hoping to fivnd some beautiful pearls inside the shells!

The children are all definitely ready for their warm bowl of soup to heat them up at lunch time!


Gorge Walks at Camp

Day 2 at camp and most groups braved the freezing cold gorge.  We climbed our way up the waterfalls and took a dip in the plunge pool!  We worked well with our groups and encouraged each other to keep going.  For most it was the favourite activity of the day…the highlight was definitely the warm shower afterwards though!!

P7 Anderson Shelters Project!

The Primary 7s have been working for the last 6 weeks on a homework project… and the results are fantastic!

They were asked to build a model of an Anderson Shelter out of any materials they wanted! There are so many creative ideas with recycled materials, it goes to show what you can create if you look at an item in a new way.

We also got a chance to talk about our Anderson Shelters in class, then did a couple of rotations where we could look around at other people’s work and also present our own.

We are planning on showing off our work at our P7 Parent and Carer Learning Showcase on Wednesday, 6th December at 14:30 in the P7 classroom.

Well done P7!

Author Visit!


In St. Catherine’s we love books and authors! We are delighted to announce that Primary 4 -Primary 7 will be receiving a visit from the award winning author Mark Smith in October. Yay!

Pop Quiz!

Q: What do the following pictures have in common?

A: Well they are all connected to Mark’s brilliant new book titled ‘Slug Boy Saves the World’. Read on for more information:

Thanks to an unfortunately tasty-looking radioactive garden slug, eleven-year-old Murdo McLeod is now the world’s worst superhero. His two powers are pretty unique: the first is sliding up walls. Quite slowly. The second is secreting slippery slime from his skin. (Yes, just as disgusting as it sounds.) 
Now, Slugboy has to use his not-so-super and oh-so-gross abilities to save the world. Let’s hope he doesn’t slip up.

Sounds interesting doesn’t it? More details about Slug Boy and Mark’s visit to follow.



Good Luck P7!

It has been an absolutely wonderful year with our Primary 7 class! You have all been stars and we are sad to see you go. Shine bright in your new schools and on your new adventures!

Good luck in S1!


P6 & P7 Parent Showcase!

We would like to invite P6 & P7 parents to our debating showcase next Monday, 5th June at 2:30pm. Come and see what we have been working on!


Invitiations should be with you tomorrow!


Fun in the Sun!

What a lovely week of weather we’ve had! Primary 7 have enjoyed getting outside for a few activities, including PE, Drama and Ask & Play.

In Drama, we were creating obstacle courses… with our imaginations! Each group member invented a segment of the course and the group had to run the entire course through. No one could use any equipment! This allowed for some serious imagination work. Some groups were very creative and even included dance moves!

Check out our obstacle courses below!

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Day 3 at Camp

We are off to a soggy start! There was a bit of a snowfall this morning but so far it is not sticking around.

So far this morning, ‪Group 4 is working on teamwork challenges! In this video, the two girls are communicating to get their “robot” (in green) to pick up the green ba‬lls off the floor. One can see but can’t speak while the other can speak but can’t see. What a good example of communication skills and working together!

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