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Message from Mr. Hunter, St. Catherine’s RC Primary School and NHS Lothian

We are aware of person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We understand that this is a worrying time but would like to reassure you that we are working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following all national guidance.

A number of people are currently being contacted because they may have been in close and sustained contact with the case and will need to self isolate.They will be given appropriate guidance and advice.

An update via text and email will be sent to you as soon as the tracking and tracing process is complete.

If you are not contacted directly to tell you your child is a close contact, then your child should attend school as normal.

Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures are in place in line with national guidance. The school is safe and remains open.

If you have any concerns in the meantime, or if you need to book a COVID-19 test because your child has developed symptoms (high temperature, a new continuous cough and/or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) please visit the NHS Inform website or for non-clinical advice call 0800 028 2816.

Please note that a test should only be booked if you or your child has these specifics symptoms.

Remember to stay at home if anyone in the household has symptoms of COVID-19.

For further information you may find this FAQs useful

God Bless,

Mr. Hunter

Class of 2018

We are all sad to say goodbye to our amazing Primary 7 class today but we know they will be fantastic in high school! Good luck in your new schools and on your new adventures!

Enjoy S1!

class photo

Farm to Fork

With thanks to the RHET (Royal Horicultural Education Trust) P3 had a busy day yesterday visiting Templehall Farm in Pencaitland where Farmer Barclay taught us all about the animals and crops on his farm. We were learning about the care, hard work and technologies that go into growing our food in Scotland.

Weighing and measuring is very important in farming. In one of the photos you will see us standing on the weighbridge. The weight of the entire group was 1140kg!

Following the farm we were off on a tour of Tesco at Hardengreen, Dalkeith with Claire who showed us what goes on behind the scenes (including a visit inside a huge freezer) to get our food from the farm and onto the supermarket shelves.



Rainforest shelter building

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P5 are undertaking an Art and Design topic about building a rainforest shelter.  Edinburgh’s Outdoor Education specialist, Mr Andrew Bagnall, visited P5 today today to tell them about his adventures in various rainforests and the types of shelters he stayed in.  Next week the children will discuss the properties of these shelters and design a rainforest shelter of their own.

Happy Hatching

Nursery and Primary 3 pupils have had an exciting time today. We were greeted by three chicks that had hatched overnight and over the course of the morning they were joined by a further three. This is all part of our joint Living Eggs project and we will be caring for them for two weeks. Family and friends are welcome to come in for a look when dropping or collecting pupils.

Here is a little time lapsed video showing our 5th chick hatching. Amazing for the children to see a new life coming into the world.

Some quotes from the children:

I couldn’t believe my eyes when the egg cracked and the chick hatched! –  Chanelle

It was amazing to watch the chick hatching. -Marcel

I felt relieved when I saw the egg shells crack and the chicks hatching. – Natalia

I was speechless when Miss McGregor told us some eggs had hatched – Kayla

It felt like a dream come true. – Lucy

I was amazed when I saw the chicks drying and getting so fluffy. – Dorota

I was excited when I came up to the classroom to see the newly hatched chicks. – Joel

It was emotional when the eggs were hatching. – Olivia

When I first held them I felt so joyful. – Angel

I was excited when to see the chicks. – Albert

I was glad to see them. – Jacob

I was gobsmacked when the chicks were hatching. – Chloe

I was super glad when the eggs hatched. – Demi

I felt so emotional when I first saw the chicks. – Brogan


The Nursery and P3 children worked together to make their own hens and chicks.



Tick tock – look at our clocks

Primary 3 have been working really hard with their families to design and create entries for our P3 Clock Competition. The standard is high and their imagination and creativity has blown us away yet again! Well done everyone who has joined in.

The clocks will be on display in the P3 classroom all week. Families and friends are welcome to come in and view them either before or after school.

It is going to be an incredibly difficult job judging winners from such a fabulous collection of entries. Here are all the pupils proudly showing off their masterpieces! Which ones would you vote for?



Step in Time

This term Primary 3 have been learning about telling the time and this afternoon they welcomed parents, grandparents, aunties and sisters into school to see how they have been learning in class. Everyone took part in different activities with the children from making cut and flap clocks, telling the time lotto and digital/analogue games. We started off by teaching the visitors our Clock Rap and some of the children led us in this. Using different voices like angry, posh or silly made everyone laugh.Here is Olivia leading us in silly voices.

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Everyone went home with a bag full of resources for helping to support learning in telling the time. We also launched our Design a Clock Competition – the children are excited about transforming their clocks using their creativity and imaginations. Watch this space for entries in a few weeks time. Thank you to all those who were able to come along and support their child for this event.


Keeping Busy

Here are some primary 3 pupils who kept themselves busy during the recent snow days. Inspired by a book in their Read Write Count bags they built their very own habitats. Here they are pointing out where you can find their chosen habitats on our classroom map.

End of the week update: Well primary 3 pupils have inspired each other and really enjoyed sharing their work. Look how many habitats we had by Friday, ready to share in assembly. Well done everyone!

Nursery News

It has been lovely to welcome new friends into the nursery since August.

A few weeks ago we read “Percy the Park Keeper and the Lost Acorns.” Then we planted some acorns and we have put them away in the shed, as they like the cold. We are hoping that they will grow into oak trees, although this will take a very long time!

Some of the afternoon children have started visiting the Mansion House again for outdoor play in a natural environment. Last week we had fun pulling up beetroot and looking for worms in the compost heap. When we got back to nursery we made an Autumn picture.