Category Archives: Reading For Enjoyment

World Book Day Bookshop Visit

P5, P6 and P7 pupils visited the Edinburgh Bookshop today to see the FANTASTIC World Book Day display they had created. We created ‘Book Monsters’ which were reading hand drawn copies of our favourite books.

Marie was kind enough to talk to us about her love of reading and to share an extract from Spellchasers: The Beginner’s Guide to Curses. We exchanged our World Book Day tokens for an exciting new book and received some expert advice on choosing our next read. Thank you to Marie & Kate for making us feel so welcome.

A huge well done to all the pupils involved in creating the window display. You did a tremendous job!

Marvellous Medicine

Miss Alonzi’s Literacy group have been reading George’s Marvellous Medicine.  We decided to make a medicine of our own using lots of declicious incredients!  We used snail slime (jelly), shaving cream (whipped cream), mud (nutella), brains (raspberries), fish eyes (blueberries), earwax (banana) and cotton wool (marshmallows).

We then tried our marvellous creations which were surprisingly tasty!

In George’s Marvellous Medicine, Grandma grew very tall when she had the medicine.  After writing up the recipe for the medicine, we drew pictures of what would happen to anyone that ate our medicines.  Some of the side effects included turning into a rainbow banana, becoming a talking dog, turning green, start breathing fire and turning blue!

Author Visit!


In St. Catherine’s we love books and authors! We are delighted to announce that Primary 4 -Primary 7 will be receiving a visit from the award winning author Mark Smith in October. Yay!

Pop Quiz!

Q: What do the following pictures have in common?

A: Well they are all connected to Mark’s brilliant new book titled ‘Slug Boy Saves the World’. Read on for more information:

Thanks to an unfortunately tasty-looking radioactive garden slug, eleven-year-old Murdo McLeod is now the world’s worst superhero. His two powers are pretty unique: the first is sliding up walls. Quite slowly. The second is secreting slippery slime from his skin. (Yes, just as disgusting as it sounds.) 
Now, Slugboy has to use his not-so-super and oh-so-gross abilities to save the world. Let’s hope he doesn’t slip up.

Sounds interesting doesn’t it? More details about Slug Boy and Mark’s visit to follow.



World Book Day is Coming!

Brace yourselves. On Thursday the 2nd of March, St. Catherine’s will be celebrating World Book Day in a very BIG way! There will be a whole day of ‘Bookish’ fun, games, activities and competitions. Keep your eyes peeled for information posters around the school and a special information letter coming home this week.


If you would like to find out more about World Book Day please have a look at this excellent site!