Monthly Archives: Nov 2016

Meet the new Digital leaders of 2016 to 2017

The Digital Leaders are a small group of Primary 7 students who have been chosen to help with technology learning and support across the school.

Our team consists of four core members and two additional supports. Throughout the year we will progress and employ and train some Primary 6 students so they can take on these roles next year.

We are currently being trained in all things ICT. We have just learned how to contribute to the school website and will support teachers in doing this as well. We also help troubleshoot laptops and iPads if any classes are having trouble with them. We also work to ensure the storage of our devices is secure and tidy.

We will also help with promoting digital safety and ICT skills. For example, we will lead the Primary 7s in helping the Primary 2 class become more familiar with a maths website called Sumdog.

We are looking forward to helping out around the school.

If you need a digital hand, call a Digital Leader!

Click here to learn more about the Digital Leaders Programme.

Working out Percentages

Last week in Mrs Northcott’s Maths set, the Purple group were working on working out percentages of a quantity.

We used money to help us understand.

First, we used our dividing skills to calculate the percentage of a quantity.

Then we took it a step further- we asked ourselves “How much does it cost now?”

We used take away sums to find the answer.

We decided to put this into a real life context by making adverts for an imaginary shop. These imaginary shops were all having sales! We incorporated our ICT skills to display our learning.

Take a look at some of our really great adverts! Do you think they are offering good deals?