Daily Archives: 6 Dec, 2016

Special Challenge Time

During Special Challenge time Mrs Wright’s group were focussing on perseverance, patience and fine motor skills.  We developed these through activities linked to Japan.  Firstly we learned how to use chopsticks and we practised using foam puffs.  After we had PERSEVERED with this we got rewarded by using chopsticks to eat a PERCY PIG!

Secondly we learnt to write our name in Japanese.  It was a bit tricky as there are no direct translations for a few names but we PERSEVERED and all did a great job!

Finally, we learned about the art of origami and tried it out ourselves.  We turned napkins into orchids and sheets of paper into storks so if you’re looking for some bespoke Christmas decorations, you know who to ask!

 Overall we had a great afternoon, learned a lot about the Japanese way of life and developed our PERSEVERANCE and PATIENCE!