Daily Archives: 9 Dec, 2016

P2 News

Today we completed our Sumdog training with the Primary 7 class. They showed us how to login and some of the different features of Sumdog.

They have shown us how to change the way our character looks. Our characters are called avatars.

We have all had the opportunity to work on the iPads and the laptops.

Each child has been given their username and password to enjoy using at home.

Try Sumdog at home!

Sumdog Training 1.jpeg

Primary 1 News

Primary 1 have settled into school very well. We are enjoying all the different activities in the classroom and taking part in whole school activities such as assembly and Hymn practice.

We love going into the ‘big’ playground on a Tuesday to take part in Loose Parts Play. So far we have built a castle, kitchen and had lots of fun with ramps.

In Literacy have worked very hard to learn all of our initial sounds and are now making words with them.

In Maths we have been practicing writing our numbers, learning all about domino patterns and ordering numbers. We have also been learning about pattern.

domino patterns

domino patterns